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Silly Riddles Page 19 of 22

We think that these riddles are simply to silly for words, many are very silly and some are just ridiculously silly.

271. What did one tree say to the other tree?

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272. Why did Batman go to the pet shop?

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273. Why did the cowboy saddle up a porcupine?

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274. Where do birds put their nests for safekeeping?

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275. What hog is married to several wives?

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276. What insect can be spelled with just one letter?

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277. What kind of horses frighten ranchers?

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278. What kind of geese are found in Portugal?

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279. Why was the weeping willow punished?

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280. What is a vampire's favorite soup?

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281. Why are horses always poorly dressed?

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282. Why did the ram fall over the cliff?

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283. Why did they arrest the big cheese?

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284. What gets around everything?

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285. What was the fastest way to ship small horses in the Old West?

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