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Riddles placed in the archives are really good riddles, but were on the main site for a long time; some may still be there, just because they are so good.

Welcome to our Riddle Archives Page 3

 Here you will find a continuation of the riddles which have been on our pages.  Just like the first Riddles Archive and Riddle Archive-2, this archive lists riddles by the same categories found on our "Riddles Main Page."  This is also a work in progress and will constantly be updated as new riddles are posted.  Simply click on the category of your choice below:

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          Classic Riddles     Ridiculous Riddles     Number Riddles

           Letter Riddles    Paradox Riddles      Animal Riddles.

            Word Riddles     Kids Riddles      Daily Thinking Riddles

Classic Riddles

1. What was given to you, belongs to you exclusively and yet is used more by your friends than by yourself?

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2. What is it that we often return but never borrow?

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3. Every time you stand up, you lose this. What is it?

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4. What is the hardest thing to deal with?

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5. What is the most important thing in the world?

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6. What runs around town all day and lies under the bed at night with its tongue hanging out?

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7. If all the letters in the alphabet were on top of the highest mountain, which letter must leave first?

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8. What is the difference between a farmer and a seamstress?

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9. What is the difference between an oak tree and a tight shoe?

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10. How are a jeweler and a jailer alike?

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11. Why was it so hard to find Abe Lincoln in Washington DC?

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12. Where did King Arthur learn to joust?

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13. How much water can you put into an empty 2 quart jar?

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14. What stars should you stay away from?

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15. What can you count on no matter what?

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16. What is the happiest state in the USA?

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17. Why would you put money in a freezer?

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18. What teaches without talking?

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19. Whom should you call when your feet hurt?

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20. How do you make an egg roll?

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Paradox Riddles

1. If you see a counterfeit coin on the street, why should you pick it up?

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2. Why is an empty purse always the same?

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3. Why is a lucky gambler so agreeable?

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4. What is so rare as a day in June?

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5. What day of the year is a command to go forward?

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6. When do women talk the least?

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7. Why is everyone especially tired on April 1st?

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8. When is it particularly difficult to catch a train?

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9. What is the hardest thing to about learning to ride a bike?

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10. When is a baby not a baby?

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Number Riddles

1. Why did the student take his math book to the school nurse?

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2. Why does the mathematician love a calculator?.

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3. When do 2 and 2 not make 4?

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4. How is the number 9 like a peacock?

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5. What number gets larger when it is turned upside down?

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6. What is the easiest way to double your money?

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7. What animals are best in math?

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8. Why is a dollar smarter than a quarter?

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9. What can you count on, no matter what?

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10. What has 3 feet, but no legs?

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Ridiculous Riddles

1. Why did Betsy Ross volunteer to make a flag?

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2. Where was Solomon's temple?

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3. What always happens on your 39th birthday?

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4. What is the first thing the President does every day?

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5. What bus ran from Spain to America?

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6. What is the largest plumbing job ever attempted?

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7. Why did the man put on a wet shirt?

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8. What is everyone in the world doing at the same time?

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9. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

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10. What word is always pronounced wrong?

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Word Riddles

1. What keeps things cool at the ball park?

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2. What is nothing but holes, yet is strong?.

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3. What can't be burned in fire, nor drowned in water?.

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4. What is it that no one can conquer?

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5. What is both inside and outside a house?

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6. What teaches without talking?

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7. What country can you put on the table?

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8. What is the coldest country in the world?

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9. What is a woman's favorite word?

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10. What 8 letter word leaves ten when you take away 5 letters?

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Letter Riddles

1. What letter of the alphabet is needed to make a shoe?.

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2. What letter travels the greatest distance?

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3. What letters express the most agreeable people in the world?

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4. When were there only 2 vowels?

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5. When did Chicago begin with a C and end with an E?

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6. Why is the letter B like a hot fire?

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7. Why is the letter R important to friendship?

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8. How can you spell enemy using 3 letters (not NME)

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9. What is the difference between here and there?

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10. Why is an island like the letter T?

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Animal Riddles

1. Why do hummingbirds hum?

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2. How do keep an elephant from charging?

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3. What did the apple say to the worm?

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4. What did the rabbit say to the carrot?

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5. Why did the baseball team hire a frog?

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6. Where do moths go to have fun?

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7. How do you know when an owl is tired?

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8. What is the best year for a kangaroo?

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9. What happens if pigs drive cars?

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10. What did the bee say when he got home?

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Kids Riddles

coming soon!

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Daily Thinking Riddles



If it takes 6 florist's assistants 3 hours to pack 12 boxes of flowers, how fast can 16 assistants pack 16 boxes?

It will take an hour and a half since each assistant takes 1and 1/2 hours per box.


Place the letter 'S' in front of a metal container and get a word meaning glance.




What do the following letters mean? FTORREEESS

Trees in the forest


What word can you make from this word: ENUMERATION



Complete the word by filling in the blanks:

L_B_R_ _ _I_ _ I_M




Two men play five games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There are no ties. Explain this.

They were not playing each other.


What was our President's name in 1970?

Bill Clinton - he is our president and his name was Bill Clinton in 1970.


In your library class today, the librarian issued a challenge. She said that in one of the books in the library was a $100 bill placed between pages 75 and 76. If found today by anyone in class, he or she could keep the $100! All of the classmates began to look for the book; you, however, decided not to bother and logged on the internet till the end of class. Why didn't you look for the money?

You, unlike your classmates know that the odd page numbers of books are always on the right and even numbers are always on the left. Therefore, pages 75 and 76 could not be facing each other and further, the $100 bill could not be placed between pages 75 and 76.


What 8 letter word has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end?

Inkstand: kst is in the middle, in is the beginning, and is at the end.


We all have this; it forever goes up, yet never comes down. What is it?

Your age.



What does this sentence mean?-

"There's no value to be derived from demanding attention by loud screeches over fallen white liquid derived from the lactic glands of a female bovine."

Don't cry over spilled milk.


Look at the following list of words: month, orange, silver, purple

Can you think of a word that rhymes with each word? (English language only)

As far as we know, there are no English words that rhyme with any of the words on the list: month, orange, silver, purple.


What is it that has absolutely no content, yet can be seen by all?

A hole.


In the olden days of yore, a very kind and generous King ruled where a very clever thief was brought before the King and sentenced to death. The king in his generosity, let the thief decide his fate and told the thief to choose his own way to die. This pleased the thief and he smiled as he told the King how he wished to take his sentence. What did he tell the king?

He said he wished to die of old age.


What is better than the best and worse that the worst?




There is a common 7 letter English word which has a peculiar characteristic. Remove one of its letters and you have another word. In fact you can keep taking a letter away, one at a time and each time you will have a new word, continuing until you have a 1 letter word. What is this 8 letter word and what are the words created by removing a letter at a time?

You start with the 7 letter  word: SNOWING - Remove the 'n' and you get SOWING - Remove the 'o' and you get SWING -Remove the 'w' and you have SING - Remove the 'g' and you are left with SIN- Remove 's' and you have IN - and lastly, remove the 'n' and you have 'i'.


What falls but never breaks and breaks but never falls?

Night falls but never breaks and day breaks but never falls.


You can see me, but you can never touch me. I may disappear, but I never really leave you. I grow larger throughout each day. What am I?

Your shadow.


Look at the sentence below and see if you can find the reason why all the 2 letter words have a common trait. What is hidden among the words in the sentence:

"Hi! Ma and Pa told me I'd better say that all the two-letter words in this paragraph have something in common ...... or else!"

Hi, Ma, Pa, Me, I'd, in, or - all these are abbreviations of US States


I weaken all men for hours each day. None suffer to have me, but do from my lack. What am I?




I know a small word of letters only three. But if I add one letter to it, none there will be. What is the word?

The word is 'one', add the letter' n' and you have 'none'


Many things may create this, and, in any shape or size;
this may be created for many reasons, and, it can shrink or grow with time.  What is it?

A hole


How do you write twelve-thousand twelve-hundred and twelve?


Many many keys I have, but no door do I unlock.
No mouth, but yet an enchanting voice
And yet, I never, ever talk.
What am I?
A piano


A strange attraction compels me to hold things, yet I feel no warmth or love. My friends and I stick together unless one faces me - and then he is pushed away. What am I?

a magnet



My first 2 letters refer to him;
Take my first 3 and it is she;
My first 4 letters talk of a great one;
Yet all my letters signify a great woman. What is this word?

heroine- My first 2 letters refer to him;
Take my first 3 and it is she;

My first 4 letters talk of a great man;


Yet all my letters signify a great woman. What is this word?



When is 1 the correct answer to this problem: 2 + 11?

When you are talking about the time, add 2 hours to 11 o'clock and you get 1

OR When you add 2 piles to 11 piles and then have 1 pile.


What does this sentence mean?

Superfluous chronological dispatch institutes riddance of valued effects

Haste makes waste.


 You hear it speak for it has a hard tongue. It cannot breathe for it has not a lung. What is it:

a bell


I am two faced, but bear only one; I have no legs but travel  far; I have the greatest power when given away.  What am I?  

a coin



Often held but never touched, always wet but never rusts, often bites but seldom bit; to use me well you must have wit.  What am I? 

 a tongue


Break it and it is better - immediately set and harder to break again. What is it?

A record


Explain:  If a large solid-hoofed mammal becomes available to you without compensation, refrain from casting your faculty for seeing into the oral cavity of such a creature.

Don't look a gift-horse in the mouth.


What 3 letter word will follow the first word below and precede the second and will make two new words?


LIT   as in starlit  and litany


The following phrase does not make much sense:  LIT ANY MIST
However, if you change one letter in each word, you can spell a common phrase.  What is it?

LIT ANY MIST  is changed to HIT AND MISS



Just what does this mean:  Do not traverse a structure erected to afford passage over a waterway until the time of drawing nigh unto it.

Don't cross a bridge until you get to it.


A man calls his wife from work to say he would be home a little late, probably around eight.  Indeed, he did arrive home at 2 minutes past eight.  His wife was furious at his late arrival. Why?

The man came home at 2 minutes past eight the following morning and the wife was angry about this.


In class, the teacher gave a test to Jenn and Allison.  Allison read the test, folded her arms and answered none of the questions on the test.  Jenn carefully wrote out all the answers - good answers to the questions.  The teacher collected the tests - Allison handed in a blank paper and Jenn handed in her work.  Allison earned an A on the test and Jenn earned a D.  Explain.

At the top of the test, the directions specifically stated to read the entire test before doing anything.  The last question said to answer nothing to earn an A on this test.


One hundred feet into the air, it lies with its back on the ground.  What is it?

A dead centipede.


Why has no one climbed the largest known extinct volcano?

Because it is on Mars.

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