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1260 Challenging Brain Teasers Page 81 of 84

Another page of our tough brain teasers for you to contemplate and hopefully use your mental powers to solve.

1201. Which word best fits with the following set?

Educate          Bask          Utter          Cats          ________?

1) Open       2) Artist       3) Wind       4) Feature

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1202. There are 100 people applying for a position where they will be required to sell both music equipment and electronic goods.  Twelve of the applicants have no prior experience in sales.  Sixty-four of the applicants have sold music equipment, and 80 applicants have sold electronic goods previously.  How many applicants have experience selling bother music equipment and electronic goods?

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1203. The following letters occur in these sequences in common English words.  What are the words?

BBT          DDM          GGH

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1204. Statistics show that six out of ten major league baseball players will have a batting average of 0.270 or better.  What are the odds that a major leaguer will hit at least 0.270?

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1205. To the best of our knowledge, only one other word can be made from all the letters in the word CALLIGRAPHY.  What is the word?

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1206. If you toss four pennies, what is the probability that you will get two heads and two tails?

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1207. What feature do the words below share?

Trout          Hectare          Stinted          Rialto

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1208. What comes next in the sequence?

346   289   134   628   ?

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1209. A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn.  The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks.  Who carried the heavier load and why?

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1210. Each of the following words contains the letters NOV (There may be more than one of each of those letters, but they are not shown.)  Using the definitions, fill in the words.

A dispute or argument:
_ _ N _ _ OV_ _ _ _

An astronomical feature:
_ _ _ _ _ NOV_

New or original:
_ _ NOV_ _ _ _ _

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1211. Place the words below into pairs.  You will then have 5 lots of eight letters, each of which is an anagram of another word.  What are the original 5 words?


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1212. If there are 4 empty seats in a movie theatre, how many combinations are there for the number of ways 4 people could sit in these seats?

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1213. Forty men found themselves in a desperate situation, and all but two of them decided that they should kill themselves.  Unable to dissuade the group, the two men who refused to give up pretended to go along with the group's plan.  They even suggested a way in which death can take place in an orderly manner.
Here is their idea: all forty men should sit in a circle, and, starting with someone who wanted to go first, every third person in the circle would follow; the counting would go around till the last man, who should commit suicide.  The two men thought that if they placed themselves at certain points in the circle, all others in the group would have died before them.  For their scheme to work, where in the circle should they sit?

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1214. Two men were being tried for murder.  The jury found one man guilty and the other innocent.  The judge turned to the guilty man and said, "Even though your guilt has been established, the law compels me to set you free."  How could such a bizarre judgment occur?

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1215. Charley bought a motorcycle to tour the country with.  After two years, it had depreciated to $6,000 and in five years it had a book value of $3,750. What did the motorcycle cost originally, and how long before it would have a book value of $0?

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