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Do you think you are capable of solving our continuing selection of challenging brain teasers? Let's find out.

976. At the Blue Zoo I encounter thirty cerulean geese, twenty azure cows, and ten indigo rabbits.  I select an animal at random.  What is the chance that the animal will have four legs?

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977. I went out for a walk and met three beggars.  To the first,  I gave ten cents, to the second,  I gave ten cents, and to the third,  I gave five cents.   What time of day was it?

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978. A man carrying a 2-liter bottle of soda is stopped by a policeman and a grocery store clerk in front of his house and is accused, according to the store clerk, of stealing the bottle of soda and running out of the store all the way to his home.  The man said he had just bought it from the convenience store across the street from his house and he had simply walked home.  The policeman asked the man to open the bottle and quickly deduced that the man stole the bottle from the grocery store.


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979. Carol, a private eye who never ceases to astound everyone by how quickly she can wrap up a case, is out to solve yet another crime.  It seems that someone has mischievously hacked into the online database maintained by the Many Dollar Mucho Dinero Corporation, and changed their password. The hacker then sent an untraceable e-mail that read:  "Doctors divine dominion darts doom dealing demon devotees 55244522."  Within a few minutes Carol has found the new password, allowing the company to get back on track.  And everybody said, "She Did it again"

What was the password?   Hint: It is an actual word.

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980. Jennifer has peculiar tastes.  She likes people who are plump but not those who are fat.  She likes to wear pearls but not diamonds.  She likes limericks but not haiku, and she prefers Mapplethorpe to Avedon.  What's her rationale for likes and dislikes?

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981. A friend called the Great Detective with the following message: "Hello; enjoying local people.  I now can even look like a resident.  Talk later."  The Great Detective immediately knew where his friend was.  How?

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982. Using only four numerals and any mathematical symbols you choose, can you produce an equation that will yield the number 300?

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983. Following the same plan as in the first sample, finish the other examples.

   HATE     TEST       LAST
   GLADE     _____      ASK
  MIRE      _____      HEAD

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984. The following definitions require some thought.  The explanation includes all the facts.  Ex: To study; twisted rope. Answer = Pore.  (The word "rope" twisted into "pore.")

Solve this one:

An Ursus is in the middle.  Can't do it.

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985. Which of these letters is the odd man out?

Y  E  N  F  H  A  Z

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986. What two words, formed from different arrangements of the same six letters, can be used to complete the second sentence below?

The handyman found a brass bucket with a broken handle.  He was able to _________ the handle so the bucket could be ___________.

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987. Here's a palindrome:

Where a former emperor ate.

_  _  _  _       _  _  _  _  _

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988. What comes next in the following sequence?

1/7     4/9     2/8     5/10     3/9     6/11     ?/?

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989. Complete these words by adding the same three letters to each one.

E _ _ _ T,        M _ _ _ T,        S _ _ _ ,        R _ _ _ T

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990. Replace the @ symbols with standard mathematical symbols, like +, -, and x, to make the following equation true:

9 @ 8 @ 7 @ 6 @ 5 @ 4 = 91

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