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1260 Challenging Brain Teasers Page 46 of 84

Have a crack at solving these challenging brain teasers concerning logic questions, math problems and puzzles, and other conundrums.

676. A fireman is running to get a net under a lady who looks like she might jump off the balcony of her 20 story apartment building.  There is nothing below her except a 20 story fall.  The fireman is still 100 yards away when she falls and can't nearly get there in time.  The woman is not hurt more than a bruise.  How is that possible?

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677. This puzzle is one just like on our web site that we call teasers, it uses only the initials of the major words in a phrase.  What is the phrase? ( example:  "26 L in the A" = 26 letters in the Alphabet. )

3 N in an AC

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678. What is the missing number in the sequence below?

17         24         1         9         23         8         __?         13         27        35         12         19

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679. A simple substitution code has been used to conceal a "quote."  Work out the code to decipher the words.

Jack Sprat:

 9        8-1-20-5        20-8-9-19        6-1-20        6-18-5-5        4-9-5-20        13-25        23-9-6-5        8-1-19     16-21-20        13-5        15-14.

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680. There are three numbers hidden in the sentences below.  Can you find them?  The letters are in consecutive order.

Throw the problem off.  I've always felt women were able to pass even the worst situation and make it better.

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681. Which four-digit number is missing from the group of numbers below?

1961          6009          6119          6699         9006          9116          9696          9966

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682. All of the vowels have been removed from the following rather cynical statement, and the remaining letters have been broken into groups of three letters each.   Reconstruct the sentence.  Hint:  the words in the sentence are NOT all three letter words, because they are in groups of three, most words are blended together.

PDS        TRN        SCM        NTW        SRT        STH        QCK        NDT        HDD

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683. Ann is now exactly two-fifths of her older sister's age, and two years from now she will be one-half of her older sister's age.  Conversely, two years ago, Ann was only one-fourth the age of her older sister's age at that time.  How old is Ann now?  (She's a fairly young child, by the way.)

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684. Barbara is a young lady with decided tastes.  She likes khaki but not brown; she likes rendezvous but not meetings; she likes mousses but not jellies.  Does she like jodhpurs or riding pants?

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685. Which is the odd word out in this list, and why?


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686. The following 13 letters can be anagrammed into a two-word phrase meaning "endless void."

B  E  I  L  M  O  O  P  S  S  T  T  T

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687. Six and a half boys can eat six and a half pizzas in an hour and a half.  How many pizzas could three boys eat in seven and a half hours?

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688. What are five words ending with the letters dous?

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689. At Sloppy Joe's Restaurant a customer was shocked to find a fly in his coffee.  He sent the waiter back for a fresh cup.  After his first sip, the customer pounded on the table and shouted:  "This is the same cup of coffee I had before!"  How could he tell?

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690. A chessboard has squares that are two inches by two inches.  What is the diameter of the largest circle that can be drawn on the board in such a way that the circle's circumference is entirely on black squares?

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