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Kids riddles to get them thinking in order to figure out the answers.

Riddles for kids to entertain and stimulate their imagination and maybe bring smiles to their faces. More riddles for kids, these being our newest ones.

1. What has one head, one foot and four legs?

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2. Which bird can lift the heaviest weights?

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3. Where can everyone always find money when they look for it?

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4. What has cities without houses, rivers without water, and forests without trees?

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5. Why do carpenters believe there is no such thing as stone?

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6. What tongue wags, yet never utters a word?

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7. A man drove 2,000 miles with his family and never knew he had a flat tire. How come?

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8. What is put on the table and cut, but never eaten?

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9. A man fell off a 30 foot ladder, but he didn't get hurt. Why not?

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10. What has limbs, but cannot walk?

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11. Why are Teddy Bears never hungry?

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12. What has two hands, a round face, runs, but stays in place?

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13. What is that which everybody has seen but will never see again?

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14. What thing is lower with a head than without one?

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15. What can honk without a horn?

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