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Christmas Riddles Page 2 of 8

The elves have been busy and selected these Christmas holiday riddles for you.

Christmas riddles for kids are great for the holiday, before you celebrate, get those brains in gear and solve these riddles.

16. Why are Christmas presents so easy to tease?

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17. How does an Eskimo put his Christmas decorations on?

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18. What does one business person say to another business person on Christmas?

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19. How do sheep in Mexico say Merry Christmas?

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20. What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper?

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21. What does a snake sing at Christmas?

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22. What does Santa Claus eat at a Mexican restaurant?

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23. Why do reindeer scratch themselves?

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24. What do you get if Santa goes down the chimney when a fire is lit?

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25. Which moves faster: heat or cold?

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26.What is the end of Christmas?

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27. What kind of a virus can reindeer catch?

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28. Why do you go to bed on Christmas Eve?

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29. Why couldn't the cat work her new DVD player?

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30. What's a farmer's favorite Christmas carol?

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